商品名稱: F-Key Solutions 1st Disk Drive Protector v3.8
商品分類: 硬碟.備份救援.還原工具
商品類型: 隱藏加鎖本地硬碟的軟體
語系版本: 英文正式版
運行平台: Windows XP/Vista/7
更新日期: 2012-07-26
Protect your PC from abusive use of removable media with 1st
Disk Drive Protector. This software will easily help you
enforce whether your users are allowed to use removable media
or access your local drives. You can not only hide, lock and
prevent usage of local, network, Floppy and USB drives but also
disable the AutoRun feature for them. This will let you
significantly reduce the risk of unauthorized software
installations and cluttering of local disk drives. The design
of the program offers you functionality in a very simple way.
The main window of the program shows you all available drive
letters in group boxes along with the settings you can apply to
the drives that the letters represent. You can hide and lock
all the drive letters you do not normally use to prevent any
inserted removable media from appearing and being accessible in
My Computer. The AutoRun feature can be disabled for specific
drives or drive types. If you disable the AutoRun feature for
drive types, you can, for example, disable the AutoRun feature
for all USB drives, for all CD/DVD drives, for all RAM disks or
for all removable HDD drives. A password protection can be
applied to the program to prevent your users form changing the
security settings you enforce.