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商品名稱: 超值精選 VA - G.E.N.E. - Discography 1987年-2008年 新世紀音樂

商品分類: MP3-DVD音樂

商品類型: 220首合成一片DVD-MP3

語系版本: 站長完整超強合輯

運行平台: Windows 7/XP/Vista/MP3 DVD 播放機

更新日期: 2012-11-15


G.E.N.E.(舞動的電子大自然環境)系列的創始人是加拿大作曲家 Clode Mallio 克蕾

歐?瑪莉歐 。這個以用電音來描繪自然美景為最顯著特色的音樂系列,一直被各位新世

紀音樂愛好者視為上品,並被譽為「最具異國情調的音樂夢工場」。G.E.N.E. 系列專門




《Magic Island》這張專輯是 G.E.N.E. 系列的其中一張,這是個共有25張專輯的音樂


音樂家 Cleo de Malio 所提出的,他希望能夠以電子音樂的方式描繪出世界各地的大


「舞動的電子大自然情境」正是G.E.N.E.的原意(Grooving Electronic Natural


在這20張專輯中,我最先接觸的就是這張《Magic Island》,善於 google 的人應該也







在這邊特別推薦第二首「Swimming Souls」,這首歌的背景音效加入了浪潮的聲音來展





《Beautiful World》這張專輯是G.E.N.E.系列中我第二喜歡的專輯,它帶給人的感覺如


效帶領聆聽者隨著音符神遊在全球各處的美妙自然景觀。製作人 Cleo de Malio 利用





其中最讓我推崇的是「Rocky Mountain Magic」,從這首曲子可以聽出高山的雄偉壯麗




藍的天空直直灑落下來,而我們則沐浴在這陽光中感受天地之氣息... 能夠用電子音效





Artist: G.E.N.E. (Grooving Electronic Natural Environments)

Title Of Album: Discography: 25 CDs

Year Of Release: 1987 - 2008

Genre: New Age / Ambient / Meditation

Quality: MP3

Total Size: 3.14 GB

1987 - Fluting Paradis

Label: Innovative CommuniCat.ion

Cat. #: IC 720.151

01. Soft On Top . . . 06:33

02. Base The Ground . . . 06:52

03. Fluting Flame . . . 08:19

04. Melting Snow . . . 04:40

05. Whispering Brook . . . 07:55

06. Voice Of Spring . . . 06:14

07. Reeds In Echo . . . 11:54

Total Time: 00:52:27

1988 - Life Is A Melody

Label: New Emotional Music

Cat. #: NEM 3004-2

01. Good Morning Vibration . . . 08:38

02. Life Is A Melody . . . 03:10

03. Blooming Kiss . . . 07:29

04. Melancholy of Sunset . . . 04:42

05. Taste of Dawn . . . 06:16

06. Beauty of Swamp . . . 07:49

07. Secret of Darkness . . . 08:09

08. High Moon in Red . . . 04:20

09. Purling Nature and the Flute . . . 08:53

Total Time: 00:59:26

1991 - Get The Taste

Label: Innovative CommuniCat.ion

Cat. #: IC 710.134

01. GetTheTaste (Radio Cut) . . . 03:56

02. Hear-It . . . 07:10

03. See-It . . . 07:51

04. Smell-It . . . 06:34

05. Taste-It . . . 08:03

06. Feel-It . . . 08:54

07. Have-It . . . 04:39

08. Hold-It . . . 05:43

09. GetTheTaste . . . 07:51

Total Time: 01:00:41

1991 – KatChina

Label: Innovative CommuniCat.ion

Cat. #: IC 720.143

01. Katchina . . . 04:42

02. Good Morning Arizona . . . 05:23

03. Navahos Dream . . . 06:59

04. Red Indian Lake . . . 04:01

05. Apacheta Heaps . . . 06:16

06. Pachamamas Sacrifice . . . 10:17

07. Golden Feather . . . 06:30

08. Wakan Tanka . . . 05:30

Total Time: 00:49:38

1991 - Diving Dreams

Label: Innovative CommuniCat.ion

Cat. #: IC 720.155

01. Diamonds at the Beach . . . 04:02

02. Faru Love Affair . . . 03:56

03. Dhoni sails at Sunrise . . . 07:25

04. Deep Dive . . . 03:15

05. Colours in Motion . . . 03:20

06. Steep Reef . . . 05:18

07. Flight of the Manta Ray . . . 03:46

08. Coral World . . . 02:45

09. Shark Shadows . . . 03:54

10. Banana Reef Cave . . . 08:04

11. Maledives Caleidoscope . . . 08:36

12. Diving Dreams . . . 10:20

13. J'aime Faru . . . 04:21

Total Time: 01:09:02

1993 - Mediterranean Mood

Label: Innovative CommuniCat.ion

Cat. #: IC 2181-2

01. Mallorca Love Theme . . . 03:15

02. Romantic Deya, Intro . . . 01:56

03. Romantic Deya, Theme . . . 05:41

04. Sculptures of Stone . . . 06:33

05. Concerto de Arta . . . 06:59

06. Cala Figuera, Intro . . . 02:00

07. Cala Figuera, Theme . . . 04:51

08. Bay of Blue, Intro . . . 01:19

09. Bay of Blue, Theme . . . 06:29

10. Son A Sopa Countryman . . . 06:13

11. Mediterranean Mood, Intro . . . 03:59

12. Mediterranean Mood, Theme . . . 06:05

13. Diamonds at the Beach (from 'Diving Dreams') . . . 04:02

14. Colours in Motion (from 'Diving Dreams') . . . 03:20

Total Time: 01:02:42

1993 - Rain Forest

Label: Innovative CommuniCat.ion

Cat. #: IC 2200-2)

01. Forest Love . . . 04:39

02. Rain Forest . . . 06:15

03. Lovely Blossoms . . . 06:07

04. Warm Welcome . . . 04:36

05. Bird's Paradise . . . 04:31

06. Honey Bees . . . 03:46

07. Ghost Valley . . . 03:14

08. Green To Green . . . 03:31

09. Tropical Grooves . . . 03:57

10. A Sort Sun . . . 03:17

11. Call Of Birds . . . 04:50

12. Tropical Trees . . . 05:32

13. Misty Mountain . . . 06:04

14. Days Of Thunder . . . 05:29

Total Time: 01:05:48

1994 - BALI-Sunrise

Label: Innovative CommuniCat.ion

Cat. #: IC 2210-2

01. Good Morning Bali . . . 04:44

02. Samudra-Ocean . . . 04:32

03. Kehidupan-Life . . . 05:08

04. Bunga-Flowers . . . 05:59

05. AnakAnak-Children . . . 04:47

06. AirTerjun-Waterfall . . . 05:08

07. Agin-Wind . . . 04:04

08. PohonKelapa-Palmtrees . . . 05:23

09. Pasang-Tide . . . 06:02

10. Brahma-Siwa-Fire . . . 06:38

11. Good Luck Bali . . . 04:05

12. Dreams Of Bali . . . 07:51

Total Time: 01:04:21

1994 - Between Ocean & Clouds

Label: Innovative CommuniCat.ion

Cat. #: IC 2225-2

CD 1

01. Feeling . . . 04:22

02. Creole Passion . . . 04:26

03. Paradise Hope . . . 04:37

04. Romance . . . 04:09

05. Desroche Breeze . . . 06:47

06. Smiling Through . . . 07:40

07. Bougainville Cocktail . . . 04:12

08. Sunny . . . 06:37

09. Summer Night . . . 07:25

10. Tropic Fire . . . 06:45

11. Yellow Sea . . . 07:59

Total Time: 01:04:59

CD 2

01. Bali (Indian Ocean, Kuta-Beach) . . . 10:05

02. Maledives (Indian Ocean, Farukolufushi-Island) . . . 05:50

03. Fuerteventura (Atlantic Ocean, Club-Aldiana-Beach) . . . 05:51

04. Turks & Caicos Islands (Caribian Ocean, Club-Med-Beach) . . . 05:44

05. Hohwacht (Baltic Sea, Genuiser-Schiff-Beach) . . . 03:41

06. Great Barrier Reef (Australia, Lindeman Island) . . . 05:53

07. Los Angeles (Pacific Ocean, Venice-Beach) . . . 05:40

08. Florida (Atlantic Ocean, Key Biscayne) . . . 03:48

09. Guernsey (North-Sea, Idle-Rocks-Beach) . . . 02:55

10. Mallorca (Mediterranean-Sea, Canyamel-Beach) . . . 03:23

11. Seychelles (Indian Ocean, Beau Vallon Beach) . . . 03:53

12. Fiji-Islands (Pacific Ocean, Vitilevu, Fijian-Hotel-Beach) . . . 05:24

Total Time: 01:02:07

1995 - Beautiful World

Label: Brain-Food-Music

Cat. #: BFM 87 4007-2

CD 1

01. Forest Love . . . 03:38

02. Dhoni Sails at Sunrise . . . 07:04

03. Song of the Whales . . . 04:15

04. Mallorca Love Theme . . . 03:12

05. Canadian Lake . . . 03:24

06. Whispering brook . . . 05:21

07. Get the Taste . . . 03:08

08. Rocky Mountain Magic . . . 03:44

09. Good Morning Arizona . . . 05:14

10. Evening Bells . . . 04:36

11. Corals in Love . . . 06:09

12. Ocean Family . . . 04:21

13. Cloudy Beach . . . 04:24

14. Dreams Of Bali . . . 04:19

Total Time: 01:02:49

CD 2

01. Original Djungle-Sounds . . . 50:29

Total Time: 00:50:29

1995 - Flying-Fish

Label: Innovative CommuniCat.ion

Cat. #: IC 2 245-2

01. Flying Fish . . . 10:46

02. Soft Kiss Of Medusa . . . 08:51

03. Dep Blue Dancing . . . 10:12

04. Sea Weed In Trance . . . 10:42

05. Bubbling Colours . . . 12:15

06. Underwater Meditation . . . 07:32

07. Indian Ocean . . . 01:52

Total Time: 01:02:10

1995 - Slow – Motion

Label: Brain-Food-Music

Cat. #: BFM 4002-2

01. Smiling . . . 10:00

02. Drifting . . . 10:00

03. Dreaming . . . 10:00

04. Floating . . . 10:00

05. Feeling . . . 10:00

06. Yearning . . . 10:00

Total Time: 01:00:00

1995 - Tropical Feeling!

Label: Innovative CommuniCat.ion

Cat. #: IC 2 247-2

01. Tropical Feeling . . . 05:23

02. Beauty-Safari . . . 05:09

03. Forest-Voices . . . 06:03

04. Childrens-Green . . . 07:54

05. Savanne-Secret . . . 05:10

06. Shimba-Hills-Bamboo . . . 05:34

07. Jambo-Kenia . . . 01:11

08. Diani-Beach-Percussion . . . 10:08

09. Malaika-Lullaby . . . 03:15

10. Jungle-Groove . . . 04:43

11. Rememberance . . . 00:57

12. Bonus: Birds-Paradise . . . 04:31

13. Bonus: Forest-Love . . . 03:46

Total Time: 01:03:44

1996 - Dragon's Flight

Label: Innovative CommuniCat.ion

Cat. #: IC 87 2 260-2

01. Kowloon Harbour . . . 06:41

02. BirdMarket Melodie . . . 05:43

03. Peak View . . . 05:07

04. Tin Hau Tempel . . . 08:58

05. HongKong Island . . . 06:38

06. SeaFood Fantasies . . . 08:06

07. LantauIsland Dreams . . . 08:17

08. Pearl Seaview . . . 10:00

09. Happy Hour . . . 03:09

Total Time: 01:02:39

1996 - Flowers & Soul

Label: Innovative CommuniCat.ion

Cat. #: IC 87 2267-2

01. Only Music . . . 11:02

02. And Flowers . . . 10:26

03. Cover the world . . . 13:40

04. Of Emotion . . . 10:29

05. And Coul . . . 13:15

Total Time: 00:58:52

1997 - Canadian Lakes

Label: Innovative CommuniCat.ion

Cat. #: IC 87 2294-2

01. Good Morning Vibration . . . 08:38

02. Life is a Melody . . . 03:10

03. Blooming Kiss . . . 07:29

04. Melancholy of Sunset . . . 04:42

05. Taste of Dawn . . . 06:16

06. Beauty of Swamp . . . 07:49

07. Secret of Darkness . . . 08:09

08. High Moon in Red . . . 04:21

09. Purling Nature and the Flute . . . 08:53

Total Time: 00:59:27

1997 - Magic Island

Label: Innovative CommuniCat.ion

Cat. #: IC 87 2280-2

01. The Flight of the CLouds . . . 05:19

02. Swimming Souls . . . 05:15

03. Sun over Pacific Ocean . . . 05:18

04. WInd over Rapa Niu . . . 06:38

05. The Hub of the World . . . 04:31

06. The Voice of Ranu Rakaku . . . 08:01

07. Singing Palmtrees . . . 06:42

08. 15 Secrets of Tongariki . . . 04:12

09. Wind kissing Grass . . . 05:18

10. Magic words of Stone . . . 06:18

11. The Love of the Birdman . . . 05:48

12. Felsen des Orongo . . . 07:02

Total Time: 01:10:22

1997 - Pacific Peals

Label: Innovative CommuniCat.ion

Cat. #: IC 87 2290-2

01. Have a Good Day . . . 05:19

02. Tahiti Beach Sunrise . . . 05:11

03. We'll See Again . . . 04:58

04. Blach Sand Beach . . . 05:14

05. Soft Wind . . . 05:33

06. White Sand Beach . . . 05:02

07. Coconut Tree . . . 05:16

08. Dreaming Waves . . . 05:14

09. Tiare Blossom . . . 05:42

10. Blue Lagoon . . . 05:20

11. Vanilla Smell . . . 05:27

12. Bora Bora SUnset . . . 05:23

13. Have a Good Night . . . 05:15

Total Time: 01:08:54

1998 – ShaLOM

Label: Innovative CommuniCat.ion

Cat. #: IC 87 2309-2

01. Tel Aviv . . . 07:01

02. En Gedi . . . 05:27

03. Timna . . . 06:16

04. Massada . . . 04:58

05. Eilat . . . 04:36

06. Qumran . . . 05:24

07. Death Sea . . . 06:11

08. Jordan Valley . . . 06:07

09. Sea Of Galilee . . . 06:22

10. Zefat . . . 06:22

11. Jerusalem . . . 07:31

12. Nazareth . . . 07:21

Total Time: 01:13:36

1999 - Negev-Fever

Label: Innovative CommuniCat.ion

Cat. #: IC 2327-2

01. Negev-Love . . . 06:19

02. Negev-Heat . . . 06:22

03. Negev-Horizon . . . 06:16

04. Negev-Visions . . . 07:14

05. Negev-Memories . . . 06:20

06. Negev-Mystic . . . 06:09

07. Negev-Trance . . . 06:38

08. Negev-Movement . . . 05:59

09. Negev-Oriental . . . 04:36

10. Negev-Elegy . . . 06:20

11. Negev-Magic . . . 03:02

Total Time: 01:05:15

2000 – Emotions

Label: Innovative CommuniCat.ion

Cat. #: IC 87 2335-2

01. Emotions Are Floating . . . 10:28

02. Emotions Are Drifting . . . 09:47

03. Emotions Are Dreaming . . . 10:19

04. Emotions Are Smiling . . . 09:59

05. Emotions Are Yearning . . . 09:28

06. Emotions Are Feeling . . . 09:54

Total Time: 00:59:55

2007 - The Best Part I

Label: Innovative CommuniCat.ion

Cat. #: IC 87 2366-2

01. Get The Taste . . . 07:52

02. Taste-it . . . 08:05

03. Hear-it . . . 07:12

04. Navahos Dream . . . 07:00

05. Wakonda . . . 05:32

06. J' Aime Faru . . . 04:21

07. Maledives Caleidoscope . . . 08:38

08. Diamonds At The Beach . . . 04:03

09. Whispering Brook . . . 07:57

10. Mallorca Love Theme . . . 03:17

11. Scuptures Of Stone . . . 06:33

Total Time: 01:10:30

2008 - The Best Part II

Label: Innovative CommuniCat.ion

Cat. #: IC 87 2369-2

01. Forest Love . . . 04:40

02. Green To Green . . . 03:33

03. A Soft Sun . . . 03:19

04. Good Morning Bali . . . 04:45

05. Pasang Tide . . . 06:04

06. Creole Passion . . . 04:26

07. Romance . . . 04:11

08. Corals In Love . . . 06:11

09. Flying Fish . . . 10:46

10. Underwater Meditation . . . 07:34

11. Kowloon Harbour . . . 06:42

12. Pearl Seaview . . . 10:00

Total Time: 01:12:11


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