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商品名稱: CalEventer v3.0.0 MacOSX

商品分類: 麥金塔專用軟體

商品類型: 事件管理軟體

語系版本: 英文正式版

運行平台: 蘋果電腦 Mac OS X

更新日期: 2012-04-20


No more output limitations for iCal! This indispensable utility

will list all Events (recurring and non-recurring) from a chosen

list of iCal calendars within a specified date range.

The Location Filter allows you to narrow down your Events to any

combination of Location(s) you wish, thus helping you to generate

useful Event listings that do the job you want to do.

The Event list is created instantaneously upon clicking the Go

button, and placed into the clipboard as either plain text, or

(X)HTML formatted text, and can thus be pasted into any word

processing or text editing software you like.

Calendar and Event data is drawn directly from the Calendar Store

database, therefore, iCal need not be running to use this

application. All Events, including recurring Events, for the

specified date range are selected and incorporated into your final




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