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商品名稱: IResizer v1.1 MacOSX

商品分類: 麥金塔專用軟體

商品類型: 圖像縮放軟體

語系版本: 英文正式版

運行平台: 蘋果電腦 Mac OS X

更新日期: 2011-11-11






要求對整張照片內容進行縮放,但IResizer 獨特之處在於任意縮放過程中可以使對像,例

如 人物、建築、動物等保持形式比(Aspect)。由於IResizer 是著名照片對像消除軟體

INpaint(可以去水印,消除圖像中不需要的部分) 的姐妹作,所以 IResizer 在任意縮放



iResizer scale an image without changing important visual content

such as people, buildings, animals, etc. While normal resizing

affects all pixels uniformly when scaling an image, iResizer

resizing mostly affects pixels in areas that do not have important

visual content.

iResizer lets you shrinking or enlarging images to improve a

composition, fit a layout, or change the orientation.

iResizer is a handy way to resizing images non uniformly while

preserving the key features of the picture. iResizer avoiding

distortion of the important parts of the image. It also can be

used to remove portion ot the image in a consistent way. For

example, you can turn a landscape picture into a square picture

and close up the space between people in a image if they are a

long way apart. It also works in reverse and you can use it to

make an photo larger.

You can mark important elements in the image using green marker,

this technique is handy if you have areas of the image that you

want to retain at the expense of other areas and it can also be

used to protect people in the image. Also you can use red marker

to select which features of the image should be discarded.



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