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商品名稱: Whole Tomato Visual Assist X v10.6.1850.0

商品分類: 程式開發、數據.資料庫系統

商品類型: Visual Studio插件軟體

語系版本: 英文正式版

運行平台: Windows XP/Vista/7

更新日期: 2011-08-19




非常好用的 Microsoft Visual Studio 插件,自動識別各種關鍵字,系統函數,成員變數,自動

給出輸入提示,自動更正大小寫錯誤,自動標示錯誤,等等。在Visual Studio .NET 2005 中, 支

援 C/C++, C#, ASP, Visual Basic, Java 及 HTML; 在 Visual C++ 6.0 and 5.0 中支援 C 和

C++ 的編程。


Visual Assist X dramatically reduces application development

time with key new features and improvements to existing

features in Visual Studio, allowing you to:

- Develop new code faster with fewer errors.

- Quickly understand existing code.

- Refactor existing code making it easier to read and cheaper

to maintain.

- Eliminate time spent searching by allowing instant

navigation to any file, symbol or reference.

- Visual Assist works seamlessly across all languages in your


- C++, C#, VB, ASP/ASP.NET, HTML, XML, JavaScript,

VBScript, XAML

- Visual Assist works in current and legacy versions of

Visual Studio:

VS2010, VS2008, VS2005, VS2003, VS2002, VC6

Over 50 time-saving features such as

- VA Outline new! allows you to navigate, organize and

refactor code easily

- Acronyms, Suggestions, VA Snippets help you create code


- Enhanced Error Detection and Correction catches errors

before you compile

- Refactor easily in ALL languages

- Enhanced IntelliSense and Hovering Class Browser help

decipher complex code

- Navigate easily to any file, method, or symbol

- Find References faster in ALL languages

- Enhanced Syntax Coloring helps you read code faster

- And much more...



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